Wednesday, October 15, 2008

educated children are the future of Liberia

Darn, while downloading photos, I accidentally deleted this posting. POOF and a blank window.

I'm showing the programs at Camphor Mission School, where the enrollment has increased to 350 students and the new programs Frido Kinkolenge manages. The challenge taken on by the United Methodist Church's Liberian Conference is huge: get ex-combatants to turn in their guns, get kids off the streets and out of a life of crime and get everyone educated and ready for real jobs.

The one photo is of young women who are being taught to read and write and how to sew. One photo has their father, brother or husband attending a class to see what the women are doing. Computer classes, sewing, typing, literacy, it's all succeeding, it will just take time. In the meantime, I saw the look of hope in the eyes of the young children and joy in being alive.

More later.

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